Semarang – Congratulations to all graduate students of the Biotechnology study program at the 172nd graduation ceremony on November 16, 2023. The graduation procession was attended by 39 graduates of Biotechnology study program. With 34 graduates with cumlaude predicate and 5 graduates with very satisfactory predicate.
The following are the names of the graduates of the Biotechnology study program who attended the 172nd graduation of Diponegoro University:
No. | Nama |
1 | Faiz Raihan Akbar |
2 | Muhammad Amien Jauhari |
3 | Fara Nafila Putri |
4 | Carmelita Nosa Bethari Dunya |
5 | Mursyidatun Nafiah |
6 | Titara Lindi Saabira |
7 | Imam Arifin |
8 | Akmal Maulana Putra Syaifudin |
9 | Gabrielle Kirana Larasati Rakaihalu |
10 | Geubri Syifa Kamila |
11 | Muhammad Bintang Aprila |
12 | Ilham Aris Wandi |
13 | Talita Dei Harefa |
14 | Muhammad Minaur Rohman |
15 | Salma Seftia Hanif |
16 | Anna Maria Lasma |
17 | Banunova Ibrahim |
18 | Natasya Hifsilianindita Azzindani |
19 | Reza Adhi Pratama |
20 | Dimas Bima Aditya |
21 | Yudhitia Kartika Pratama Ganesha Putri |
22 | Norika Aurelia Maharani |
23 | Lulu Nisrina |
24 | Sherlyn Filbert |
25 | Jonathan Alva Samudra |
26 | Nisrina Siwi Nabila |
27 | Putri Resti Siti Khotijah |
28 | Yasmiin Mahmuudah |
29 | Ade Frisky Rahmayanti |
30 | Yurisda Sari |
31 | Abdillah Faiq Ghozi |
32 | Irlinda Fitri Azzahroh Jannah |
33 | Nabila Andjani Nur Izzah |
34 | Bari Ghulam Suhariyanto |
35 | Mutia Lasiama Azizah |
36 | Galuh Andreanisa |
37 | Aulia Novianti |
38 | Assyifa Fajri Sheila Pratama |
39 | Fawwaz |
The 172nd graduation of Diponegoro University was attended simultaneously by 3,866 students from various study programs at Diponegoro University. Hopefully, all graduates will become the next generation that contributes positively to the development of Indonesia in the field of Biotechnology and successfully continues to work for a better Indonesia.
The link to the recording of the graduation ceremony to 172 Diponegoro University can be accessed through the following link: