Semarang – Biotechnology Study Program, Diponegoro University on Friday, October 7th, 2022 held a training event with the topic “ArcGIS Training for Remote Sensing and Its Applications”. At this event presented speakers namely Muhammad Farras Ayasy, S.Si from the Center for Disaster Mitigation and coastal Rehabilitation Studies, Diponegoro University.
Muhammad Farras Ayasy, S.Si explained that GIS (Geographic Information System) is a computer-based information system used to store, process and display geographic data or information. GIS can be used to present rough data into graphical and visual forms that are easier to understand. In addition, it can also be used to display the condition of the Earth’s surface, find a location and search for what is in a particular location.
GIS itself is a system consisting of several components such as hardware, software, geographic data and human resources that work together. GIS works by transforming spatial information into data.
The first day of GIS training activities include ArcGIS Interface, data Input, coloring, symbology and labels. The application used in this training is ArcMap.
This event took place smoothly and enthusiastically followed by the participants until the end of the event.