Academic Curriculum
No. | Code | Course | Course (English) | Ects | Add. Info | Lecturer |
1 | UNW00-001 | Agama | Religion | 2 | WAJIB | Dr. Muhyidin |
2 | UNW00-002 | Kewarganegaraan | Indonesia Nationality | 2 | WAJIB | Dr. Drs. Agus Sarono, M.H |
3 | UNW00-004 | Pancasila | Pancasila | 2 | WAJIB | Dr. Drs. Agus Sarono, M.H |
4 | UNW00-004 | Bahasa Indonesia | Indonesia Language | 2 | WAJIB | Dr. Sri Puji Astuti |
5 | UNW00-005 | Olah Raga | Sport | 1 | WAJIB | Dr. Supatmo |
6 | UNW00-006 | Bahasa Inggris | English Language | 2 | WAJIB | Dr. Sri Puji Astuti |
7 | ABT 21311 | Biologi Dasar | Basic Biology | 2+1 | WAJIB |
Dr. Endang Kusdiyantini, DEA; Dra. M.G. Isworo |
8 | ABT 21312 | Matematika Dasar | Basic Mathematics | 2 | WAJIB |
Dr. Tarno, M.Si; Drs. Sudarno, M.Si |
9 | ABT 21313 | Kimia Dasar | Basic Chemistry | 3 | WAJIB |
Dr. Muhammad Asyari, M.Si; Dr. Purbowatiningrum, M.Si |
10 | ABT 21314 | Biofisika | Biophysics | 2 | WAJIB |
Dr. Agus Subagio, M.Si; Dr. Evi Setiawati, M.Si |
11 | ABT 21315 | Pengantar Bioteknologi | Introduction to Biotechnology | 3 | WAJIB | |
12 | ABT 21316 | Regulasi Produk Bioteknologi | Regulation of Biotechnology Product | 2 | WAJIB | |
13 | ABT 21317 | Biokimia | Biochemistry | 3+1 | WAJIB |
Dr. Endang Kusdiyantini, DEA; Drs. Agung Suprihadi, M.Si; Dr. Dra. Nurhayati, M.Si; Dr.rer.nat. Anto Budiharjo, S.Si., M.Biotech. |
14 | ABT 21322 | Biologi sel | Cell Biology | 2 | WAJIB | |
15 | ABT 21323 | Bioetika | Bioethics | 2 | WAJIB | |
16 | ABT 21324 | Anatomi dan Fisiologi Tumbuhan | Plant Anatomy and Physiology | 2+1 | WAJIB | Dr.Dra. Sri Darmanti, M.Si.;Dr. Yulita Nurchayati, S.Si., M.Si.;Dr. Dra. Endang Saptiningsih, M.Si. |
17 | ABT 21325 | Genetika | Genetics | 2+1 | WAJIB |
Prof. Dr. Hermin Dr. Siti Nur Jannah, |
18 | ABT 21326 | Mikrobiologi Umum | General Microbiology | 3+1 | WAJIB |
Dra. M.G. Isworo Dr. Drs. Wijanarka, |
19 | ABT 21327 | Biodiversitas SDH | Biodiversity of Natural Resources | 2 | WAJIB | Rully Rahadian, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.;Dr. Sri Pujiyanto, S.Si., M.Si. |
20 | ABT 21328 | Biosafety | Biosafety | 2 | WAJIB | Dr. Dra. Arina Tri Lunggani, M.Si.;Dr.Dra. Susiana Purwantisari, M.Si. |
21 | ABT 21331 | Biologi Molekuler | Molecular Biology | 3 | WAJIB | |
22 | ABT 21332 | Anatomi & Fisiologi Hewan | Animal Anatomy and Physiology | 2+1 | WAJIB | |
23 | ABT 21333 | Biodiversitas Mikroba | Microbial Biodiversity | 3 | WAJIB | |
24 | ABT 21334 | Biostatistik | Biostatistics | 2 | WAJIB | |
25 | ABT 21335 | Rekayasa Genetika | Genetic Engineering | 2+1 | WAJIB | |
26 | ABT 21336 | Fisiologi Mikroba | Microbial Physiology | 2 | WAJIB | |
27 | ABT 21337 | Mikologi | Mycology | 2+1 | WAJIB | |
28 | ABT 21338 | Enzimologi | Enzymology | 2+1 | WAJIB | |
29 | ABT 21341 | Mikrobiologi Industri | Industrial Microbiology | 2+1 | WAJIB | |
30 | ABT 21342 | Bioteknologi Industri | Industrial Biotechnology | 2 | WAJIB | |
31 | ABT 21343 | Teknologi Fermentasi | Fermentation Technology | 2+1 | WAJIB |
Dr. Endang Dr. Sri Pujiyanto, |
32 | ABT 21344 | Kewirausahaan | Entrepreneurships | 2 | WAJIB | Dr. Dra. Arina Tri Lunggani, M.Si.;Dr.Dra. Susiana Purwantisari, M.Si. |
33 | ABT 21345 | Kultur Jaringan Tanaman | Plant Tissue Cultures | 2+1 | WAJIB | Dra. M.G. Isworo Rukmi, M.Kes.;Dr. Yulita Nurchayati, S.Si., M.Si |
34 | ABT 21346 | Metodologi Penelitian & Rancangan Percobaan | Research Methodology and Experimental Design | 3 | WAJIB | Dr. Sri Pujiyanto, S.Si., M.Si.;Dr. Drs. Wijanarka, M.Si. |
35 | ABT 21347 | Mikrobiologi Farmasi | Pharmaceutical Microbiology | 2 | WAJIB | Dra. M.G. Isworo Rukmi, M.Kes.;Dr. Sri Pujiyanto, S.Si., M.Si. |
36 | ABT 21348 | Bioteknologi Lingkungan | Environmental Biotechnology | 2 | WAJIB | Drs. Agung Suprihadi, M.Si.;Dr.Dra. Susiana Purwantisari, M.Si |
37 | ABT 21349 | Instrumentasi Bioteknologi | Biotechnology Instrumentation | 2 | WAJIB | Dr. Rejeki Siti Ferniah, S.Si., M.Si.;Dr. Siti Nur Jannah, S.Si., M.Si. |
38 | ABT 21351 | Bioinformatika | Bioinformatics | 3 | WAJIB | |
39 | ABT 21352 | Immunologi | Immunology | 3 | WAJIB | |
40 | ABT 21353 | Biokimia Lingkungan | Environmental Biochemistry | 2 | WAJIB | |
41 | ABT 21354 | Bioteknologi Pangan | Food Biotechnology | 2+1 | WAJIB | |
42 | ABT 21361 | Bioteknologi Perairan | Aquatic Biotechnology | 3 | WAJIB | Prof. Dr. Hermin Pancasakti Kusumaningrum, S.Si., M.Si.;Drs. Agung Suprihadi, M.Si. |
43 | ABT 21362 | Bioteknologi Energi Terbarukan |
Biotechnology for Renewable Energy | 3 | WAJIB | |
44 | ABT 21363 | Penulisan Karya Ilmiah | Scientific Writing | 3 | WAJIB | Dr. Dra. Arina Tri Lunggani, M.Si.;Dr. Drs. Wijanarka, M.Si. |
45 | ABT 21355 | KP | Field Practice I | 2 | WAJIB | Dr. Sri Pujiyanto, S.Si., M.Si. |
46 | ABT 21365 | Seminar | Seminar | 2 | WAJIB | Tim Dosen |
47 | UNW00-008 | KKN | Community Service Program (Field Practice III) | 3 | WAJIB | Tim Dosen |
48 | ABT 21364 | KKL | Field Practice II | 2 | WAJIB | Prof. Dr. Hermin Pancasakti Kusumaningrum, S.Si., M.Si. |
49 | ABT 21381 | Tugas Akhir / Skripsi | Undergraduate Thesis | 20 | WAJIB | Tim Dosen |
50 | ABT 21358 | Analisis Cemaran Lingkungan | Analysis of Environmental Pollutants | 2 | PILIHAN | |
51 | ABT 21359 | Bioteknologi Pertanian | Agricultural Biotechnology | 2 | PILIHAN | |
52 | ABT 21371 | Pestisida Mikroba- Pengendalian Hayati |
Microbial Pesticides – Biological Control | 2 | PILIHAN | |
53 | ABT 21372 | Teknologi Pengolahan Pangan | Food Processing Technology | 2 | PILIHAN | |
54 | ABT 21373 | Pangan fermentasi | Food Fermentation | 2 | PILIHAN | |
55 | ABT 21374 | Bioteknologi senyawa antimikroba | Biotechnology of Antimicrobial Compound | 2 | PILIHAN | |
56 | ABT 21375 | Teknologi Enzim | Enzyme Technology | 2 | PILIHAN | |
57 | ABT 21376 | Nutrigenomik & Proteomik | Nutrigenomics and Proteomics | 2 | PILIHAN | |
58 | ABT 21377 | Nanobioteknologi | Nanobiotechnology | 2 | PILIHAN | |
59 | ABT 21368 | Sanitasi dan Pengolahan Limbah | Sanitation and Waste Treatment | 2 | PILIHAN | |
60 | ABT 21369 | Bioremediasi | Bioremediation | 2 | PILIHAN | |
61 | ABT 21382 | Biosensor | Biosensor | 2 | PILIHAN | |
62 | ABT 21383 | Bioteknologi Produksi Metabolit |
Biotechnology for Metabolites Production | 2 | PILIHAN | |
63 | ABT 21384 | Keamanan pangan dan toksikologi | Food Safety and Toxicology | 2 | PILIHAN | |
64 | ABT 21385 | Enzim industri | Industrial Enzyme | 2 | PILIHAN | |
65 | ABT 21386 | Radiobioteknologi | Radio-Biotechnology | 2 | PILIHAN | |
66 | ABT 21387 | Interaksi Tanaman dan Mikroba |
Plant-Microbe Interaction | 2 | PILIHAN | |
67 | ABT 21388 | Bioteknologi Kesehatan | Health Biotechnology | 2 | PILIHAN |
Courses starting with the letters UNWO are general university courses, while courses starting with the letters ABT / PABT / LABT show the course content of the study program. The letter P shows the courses taken and followed by the study program students, and the letter L shows the courses that can be taken outside the study program or be followed by other participants outside the study program.